Thursday, June 23, 2011

Three for Thursday

Three types of weather experienced in my area this week and what I did on those days:
1. Fri afternoon: I stopped to see a dear friend and our children played and played as we sat in the SUNSHINE! and talked about everything under the sun until dusk. Many needs were filled this day.
2. Tues: The SUN was shining again! So I worked in the garden, planted s'more and worked on muh tan. Well, the backs of my calves burned, if that counts.
3. Wed night: After planting the last of the squash/pumpkins/zook plants, a massive hail storm passed over so we ran inside and videotaped it.

Three home decor items that I own and treasure:
1. Scott's stepdad made this mirror for us about 8 yrs ago. Tonight, I cut out and applied the quote "God dwells in us, As us" from Eat, Pray, Love. It is one of my most favorite quotes in the world:
2. After having crappy couches for the last 12 years, we were blessed with these. If you've never suffered the embarrassment of having company sit on old used couches, or worse, no guest seating at wouldn't understand. If you have had that ever-so-humbling experience, then you get it. These may not mean much to the rest of the world, but they are heavenly to me.....a chance for our whole family to sit, snuggle and enjoy a movie. Or conversation. Or whatever. Together.

3. And this beautiful piece squeezed into the tiniest of rooms :) The mattress set was a gift from my mum after Macady was born, a place where I nursed and rested and snuggled my newborn. (And many countless more nights that would occur over the next 11 years). The log frame and furniture - our wedding gift, again from my mother. Draped by a buffalo hide (courtesy of Scott) since 2005, regulatory tan & red flannel sheets (now put away) and an open window with a cool breeze...I treasure this place.

Three favorite holidays:
1. Christmas
2. The Fourth of July
3. Macady's birthday

Three accomplishments from the high school years:
1. I was homeschooled...does that even count?
2. We moved to Idaho during my Jr. year, and it was here that I found my place in the world.
3. I found Scott three months later...'nuff said.

Three phobias:
1. Galeophobia
2. Dental phobia - Not even IV sedation works well. Needless to say, combining numbers 1&2 means Finding Nemo was not a good movie for me.
3. Claustrophobia

Three favorite breakfast foods:
1. Crepes
2. Feta & spinach omelette
3. A proper English breakfast

Three random habits (good or bad, silly or sad):
1. I constantly spot poor grammar in public and I have this *huge* urge to put White-Out and/or a permanent marker to good use!
2. When driving, my mouth has road rage :(
3. I always forget whether or not I turned the hot iron off after I've left the house. So I go back and check.

Three favorite scents:
1. Fresh cut alfalfa fields♥
2. My horses...they all smell different. Wanna keep reading?
3. Dune by Christian Dior and Chanel No. 5 (From Europe, not some knockoff)

Three bits of advice for newlyweds:
1. You're a team. There is no *I* in team. However, there is an *ME* :)
2. Don't have a baby right off....get to know each other. Otherwise, it's gonna be a long ride.
3. Communicate. All.the.time.

Three pictures:
1. My beautiful Friday afternoon was spent snuggling this:

2. This is what happens when you accidentally leave the screen door open for three minutes. Yep, that would be Jetta hanging out on Macady's dresser:

3. Rescued on Monday from the Idaho Falls Animal Shelter, his story will be posted later. His name is Dash, and I call him MINE♥

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