Thursday, July 7, 2011


Dear Three for Thurday, I missed you last week! So here goes:

Three confessions:
1.  Sometimes I want a baby so much I can hardly stand it. And other days aren't so bad.
2. I am insanely jealous of beautiful post-baby bodies and wish so much I could make mine look like that.
3.. I swear. a lot.

Three things I do to beat the heat:
1. Crack open a can of Dew
2. I'm always inside an a/c'd bldg.
3.. Sit sweating like a pig, wishing I was bikini ready

Three life lessons, super skills, or new tricks I have learned this past month:
1.  That we should never stand so close to the picture that we get paint on our nose.
2. How to bite my tongue and then say it anyway
3.. still thinking here.....

Three things that motivate me to be a better person:
1. Running into an acquaintance who is consistently abusive & neglectful to her child
2. A trip thry Walmart
3.. A trip to the Shelter

Three things I would do if I wasn’t “Mommy”, married, and burdened with cares:
1. Greece, Lanzarote and Germany
2. School, school and a Master's degree
3.. I wouldn't be living in Idaho, fo' shizzle

Three people I call first:
1. Scottie 2 Hottie
2. Kammi
3.. Macady

Three things I changed about my parenting after testing them out on my guinea pig child (first child):
1. This doesn't apply to me, I'm still learning
2. I'd never try spanking......I always think, would Christ do that to His child?
3.. And I'd enjoy all those rush-by-me years with a big grin on my face, camera at the ready

Three things that make me cry:
1.  I can cry at a car commercial.......i.e. movies, music videos, life stories, mere thoughts of those struggling....I'm basically a sopping mess
2. Looking at Dash and trying not to think of Pard
3.. Thinking of Pard

Three things I’m going to accomplish before the summer is over:
1. 2009 & 2010 taxes....ugh.
2. Grow an amazing garden and bottle/can what's grown from there!
3.. Sell Rex and try not to cry. too much.

Three pictures:
1. No pic yet, but I got a new washer and dryer. And they sing to me. Really.
2. 4th of July project for next year for Lil' Red & Shiner:
3.. And an afternoon that was spent watching my girl smile *this big*: