Saturday, June 18, 2011

Three for Thursday - On Saturday

I'm late and have great excuses why.

Three things I accomplished this week:
1. Planted the entire garden, sans onions and got the yard bea-u-ti-fied!
2. Hosted a cousin I've never met before and found he was Pretty Much Amazing.
3. We got the house projects finished this week and got a couch and loveseat. You have no idea what it's like to have a dirty old couch replaced with something wonderful!

Three things I want to do this summer:
1. Take Macady through the National Parks
2. Go swimming, not just watch.
3. Get a tan

Three colors used at my wedding:
1. Periwinkle blue
2. Lavender
3. Of course I used white too.

Three things I find repulsive:
1. The inside of a microwave when it's smelly and filthy
2. Hobo spiders, alive *and* dead
3. Dog poo

Three things I like most about my body:
1. My hair, because it pretty much behaves when it's told
2. My feet, because they are flip-flop worthy and they love my boots
3. My hands, because they look identical to my mum's and because they comfort, create and have opposable thumbs.

Three chores I make my husband do:
1. He has to mow the grass, because I can't run the ride-on tractor thing
2. Using his sheer height, he gets to reach up and get things for me, but that's not a chore...
3. I don't really make him to chores, we're just a team.

Three recipes:
1. I use this one all.the.time.:
2. Easiest Cheesiest Dish - I'll post the recipe later, because no link exists to add here.
3. Soul Food: Take one amazing albeit difficult week, add in more than a full cup of treasured sisterhood, five ounces of laughing children and a pinch of adorable baby and you have the perfect recipe to nourish your heart and soul.

Three favorite flavors of ice cream: (Not a big ice-cream fan)
1. Mint Chocolate chip. Not the oreo/cookie kind, but with real mint bits.
2. Huckleberries & Cream from the Rainey Creek store
3. Cheesecake from Orange Leaf

Three animals I'd like to have (maybe not all at the same time):
1. A Nigerian Dwarf or a Toggenburg goat
2. I'd rescue more cats and dogs.
3. Definitely another horse and a rabbit and an African Grey parrot

Three pictures:
1. A planted garden. The strawberry patch is enormous, green and beautiful and I got the maters for $2 bucks apiece at CAL Ranch...great deal!

2. We took Tom to Jackson Hole and enjoyed a carriage ride. We paid extra to kiss the horse, and that was the best part of the day.

3. And we hit the zoo, where I promptly struck a Rawlins pose.

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