Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I watched a special on Nightline tonight about the "Hugging Saint" known as Amma. She's hugged more than 30 million people worldwide and has this huge mission to show the world what Unconditional Love is, in its' most simplistic form. (She was totally in Theta and IMO looked just like an Indian version of Vianna). It was the way that she looked at every person she hugged. And the way she hugged them, like my mum hugs me. And so I cried. Like a baby.
          I miss her hugging me. I miss her cuddling me. And so what if I'm over 30?  I can still snuggle my mum when I crave that feeling of being wanted, cherished and loved. Ladies, be grateful if your husband hugs you or ever holds you close, when or if your mom can't, or won't. Men, get on it if you haven't already. I say this only because although I married a great man, he is, in essence, the Marlboro Man. Tough, gritty and distant. He doesn't talk about his feelings, doesn't act like he cares about yours and laughs when you're in a pissy mood because he thinks that helps. He shouldn't think, it'd be easier on all of us :) So go hug somebody. Let them know you love them, you care about them, you kinda like them, you're sorry, just because, whatever works. Just  get it done already and know that if you think they need it...they probably do.

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